Our Trainers have several publications under their wings. Which have been very well received. They can also be bought on most major online shopping platforms. Paper back version can also be shipped on request.
The Truth About Lying is a complete guide for parents to instil truthfulness in their children. You will find all the necessary tools in this book which will allow parents and carers to build an everlasting, happy and healthy relationship with their children.
Confidence & Assertiveness A Parent And Child Workbook Develop Instant Confidence & Assertiveness (Results Guaranteed) If you want to change your life and take charge, then this workbook is for you. Developing assertiveness and confidence can bring personal and professional success and create a new world for you: these skills will make things happen in a magical way. I often get asked the question, “Will reading this workbook, make me assertive?” Well, the answer is no! Just reading the book will not help. You need to read; complete the exercises; practise the techniques as recommended and then you will learn how to develop both confidence and assertiveness. The exercises are simple and easy to follow. Use the methodologies until you master them, in particular anchoring and visualisation. Once you have mastered these, you will be able to apply this learned skill anytime in your life time. Remember, no book can make you assertive or confident; however this book will help you identify the tools YOU already have. Together with the techniques explaining how to use them, you will feel confident regardless of the situation or circumstances. Confident and assertive people love their work, friends, family and everything around them. Such people are valued by themselves and others. With a little bit of personal commitment and a little time, you can become assertive and a confident person and the beauty of the whole thing is that these benefits will last you life time: you will become in charge of your own life. You can access these life skills whenever you want! Sounds interesting? You can do it!
Parenting may not come with a manual, but the teenager manual changes almost every day!
Do you have a teenager who is moody, self centred and full of mixed messages and emotions? Congratulations, you have a healthy teen!
After having lived with teenagers (my own children) and worked with them, I have great respect for them. And even greater respect for the parents! There is nothing in a parent’s life that is more challenging, demanding and frustrating, than raising a teenager. Often when parents have a newborn child, they may find this is a life changing event. However, we all know that there will be more challenging times ahead; when our child progresses to become an independent individual; transitioning from child to a teen to an adult!. However, every cloud has a silver lining and the good news is, that these teenager years do not last forever (thank goodness).
We are so busy and involved in our own world that we forget that our teenagers are just like us. Parenting is all to do with connecting and communicating. We need to look and find ways to do this, effectively. Our ultimate goal is for our teenager to grow up with a positive sense of who they are and what they can achieve.
This book gives parents some practical tips and advice, which will allow them to strengthen their relationship with their teenager. With the parent's guidance and support, the teenager will become a brilliant, independent individual. They will be able to believe in themselves and achieve their dreams; find happiness and live their lives to the fullest.